
Peer-reviewed papers

  1. Exploring the exponential sensitivity of risk perception in the COVID‐19 pandemic
    MK Kim, BE Lee, JB Chung (2024) Risk Analysis
  2. Disaster Resilience of Korean Cities Using Data Envelopment Analysis
    Y Kim, JB Chung (2024) Natural Hazards Reviews 25 (2), 04024003
  3. Implications of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism on South Korean industries: Challenges and policy recommendations
    BK Cho, H Jung, JB Chung, CK Song (2024) Journal of Cleaner Production, 141278
  4. Differences between the Effects of Direct and Indirect Earthquake Experiences on Disaster Preparedness
    C Kim, S Jang, JB Chung (2024) Natural Hazards Review 25 (1), 05023015
  5. Is safety education in the E-learning environment effective? Factors affecting the learning outcomes of online laboratory safety education
    BJ Kim, JB Chung (2023) Safety science 168, 106306
  6. National climate change governance and lock-in: Insights from Korea’s conservative and liberal government’s committees
    BK Cho, JB Chung, CK Song (2023) Energy Strategy Reviews 50, 101238
  7. Resilience and social change: Findings from research trends using association rule mining
    C Kim, J Yeom, S Jeong, JB Chung (2023) Heliyon 9, e18766
  8. Social construction of fire accidents in battery energy storage systems in Korea
    DH lm, JB Chung (2023) Journal of Energy Storage 71, 108192
  9. Emerging industrial clusters of disaster safety industry in Korea
    MK Kim, J Seo, NY Kim, JB Chung (2023) Heliyon 9 (7), e17939
  10. Characteristics of victim blaming related to COVID-19 in South Korea
    JB Chung, D Yeon, MK Kim (2023) Social Science & Medicine 320, 115668
  11. Assembling good citizenship under Korean COVID-19 surveillance
    ES Kim, JB Chung (2023) Critical Policy Studies 17 (1), 123-141
  12. Site Development of Offshore Wind Power in Korea – Comparison between Jeju, Buan, and Ulsan
    RW Kim, C Ann, DH Im, JB Chung, HM Kim (2022) New & Renewable Energy 18 (4), 22-37
  13. Mask-wearing behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic in Korea: The role of individualism in a collectivistic country
    JB Chung, BJ Kim, ES Kim (2022) International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 82, 103355
  14. A Critical Review of the Introduction of the Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) in Korean Local Governments
    C Ann, JB Chung (2022) Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation 22 (4), 33-46
  15. Effects of child pick-up behavior on emergency evacuations
    SH Jang, H Hwang, JB Chung (2022) Nuclear Engineering and Technology 54 (7), 2519-2528
  16. Effectiveness of wireless emergency alerts for social distancing against COVID-19 in Korea
    D Yeon, M Kwak, JB Chung (2022) Scientific Reports 12 (1), 2627
  17. Politicization of a disaster and victim blaming: Analysis of the Sewol ferry case in Korea
    JB Chung, E Choi, L Kim, BJ Kim (2022) International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 69, 102742
  18. When beef consumption becomes politicized: Longitudinal change of US beef purchase intention and political values in Korea
    BJ Kim, JB Chung (2021) Food Policy 105, 102171
  19. The social movement of an online community of mothers during a disaster: An analysis of the mom-café in Pohang, Korea
    MH Kang, JW Moon, BJ Kim, JB Chung (2021) International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 65, 102579
  20. Differences in public perceptions of geothermal energy based on EGS technology in Korea after the Pohang earthquake: National vs. local
    H Baek, JB Chung, GW Yun (2021) Technological Forecasting and Social Change 172, 121027
  21. Public perception of geothermal power plants in Korea following the Pohang earthquake: A social representation theory study
    DH Im, JB Chung, ES Kim, JW Moon (2021) Public Understanding of Science 30 (6), 724-739
  22. Research trends in vulnerability studies from 2000 to 2019: Findings from a bibliometric analysis
    BJ Kim, S Jeong, JB Chung (2021) International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 56, 102141
  23. Korean mothers’ morality in the wake of COVID-19 contact-tracing surveillance
    ES Kim, JB Chung (2021) Social Science & Medicine 270, 113673
  24. Governmental Disaster Assistance and Moral Hazard: Focusing on the Slight Damage Assistance Program for the Pohang Earthquake Victims
    DH Im, JW Moon, JB Chung (2021) Natural Hazards Review 22 (1), 05020014
  25. Reorganizing governmental industrial classification of disaster and safety industries in Korea: A demand-based approach
    H Hwang, Y Oh, BJ Kim, JB Chung (2021) Safety science 134, 105078
  26. Individual disaster assistance for socially vulnerable people: lessons learned from the Pohang Earthquake in the Republic of Korea
    S Jeong, BJ Kim, YJ Lee, JB Chung, SH Sim (2020) Risk analysis 40 (11), 2373-2389
  27. Public deliberation on the national nuclear energy policy in Korea–Small successes but bigger challenges
    JB Chung (2020) Energy Policy 145, 111724
  28. The effects of earthquake experience on disaster education for children and teens
    DH Yeon, JB Chung, DH Im (2020) International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (15), 5347
  29. Factors affecting awareness of preparedness after moderate earthquakes: An analysis of the Pohang earthquake in Korea
    JW Moon, H Hwang, JB Chung (2020) Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal 29 (3), 405-420
  30. What types of happiness do Korean adults pursue?—Comparison of seven happiness types
    YY Doh, JB Chung (2020) International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (5), 1502
  31. The memory of place disruption, senses, and local opposition to Korean wind farms
    ES Kim, JB Chung (2019) Energy Policy 131, 43-52
  32. Korean traditional beliefs and renewable energy transitions: Pungsu, shamanism, and the local perception of wind turbines
    ES Kim, JB Chung, Y Seo (2018) Energy research & social science 46, 262-273
  33. Public perception of energy transition in Korea: Nuclear power, climate change, and party preference
    JB Chung, ES Kim (2018) Energy Policy 116, 137-144
  34. Let democracy rule nuclear energy
    JB Chung (2018) Nature 555 (7697), 415-416
  35. Social network analysis of the Korean disaster-safety industry
    BJ Kim, HG Park, JB Chung (2018) Disaster Prevention and Management 27 (1), 28-42
  36. Conflicts and natural disaster management: a comparative study of flood control in the Republic of Korea and the United States
    JB Chung (2016) Disasters 40 (3), 554-572
  37. Media and social amplification of risk: BSE and H1N1 cases in South Korea
    JB Chung, GW Yun (2013) Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal 22 (2), 148-159
  38. Competition, economic benefits, trust, and risk perception in siting a potentially hazardous facility
    JB Chung, HK Kim (2009) Landscape and Urban Planning 91 (1), 8-16
  39. Analysis of local acceptance of a radioactive waste disposal facility
    JB Chung, HK Kim, SK Rho (2008) Risk Analysis: An International Journal 28 (4), 1021-1032